DR Strikers U-10 Boys Soccer Team

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

DR1 v Oceana 2

Another beautiful spring day, this time we got to play soccer. We had nine strong players to play against the Oceans team that drove about 2 hours to get to Bliss. Although they were planning on being short a player or two they were also able to field a team of nine. The game was in control right from the start with an assist from Benjamin to left of the goal area where Zack M. shot in into the back of the net at the 3 minute marks. Six minutes later Jack passed over to Colton on the right who lofted another into the back of the net. We were off and running. Oceana never got by midfield for many scoring opportunities but did break one away at the halfway line for a run on our keeper for their only goal of the game, later another scoring opportunity ended with a great save made by Kyle in net.2-1 at halftime.
I asked the kids to score a quick goal and then to play some solid defense. They must have been listening because one minute into the second have Benjamin broke through the middle and drove a ball low past the keeper. The defense played by Trevor, Zack R., and Kevin was awesome through out the game. Rarely did the opponents ever get over the halfway line and when they did, rarely did they get a shot off. Jack made a nice save in the second half and Zach R. finished out as keeper in the second half. Late in the game Benjamin made a run to the across the left of the penalty area and chipped in a goal back to the right corner of the net for the final score of the game.
The Oceana goalkeeper was very good stopping many hard shots by Zack M., Colton, and Evan. If it wasn’t for their keeper the score would have been very different. There was a lot of nice passing by Benjamin, Zack M., Colton, Evan and Jack up front and fantastic defense by Trevor, Kevin, Zach R., Kyle in back. All played a great game. Kyle, Jack and Zack R. played well in the keeper position although the defense never let many by to give them much of a challenge.


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